
Showing posts from November, 2017

After exams

Hi everyone It's been months since I last posted, things have been hectic. I'm a final year at Stellenbosch University and graduating next week. Although I haven't posted in a while, I've been thinking about ideas about what to post. My blog now has a Facebook page called Congenital Hypothyroidism. Follow my blog on Instagram too: con_hypothyroidism My exams have been over for weeks, but I'm still recovering. I know this sounds lame, but I'm usually very tired afterwards. It's been lovely, sleeping an average of 9 hours a night, staying in bed watching series and just relaxing. No makeup, rarely leaving the house and wearing my pj pants. This is usually how my holidays start, first I hibernate and then I start doing things I never get time to do. So far it's been mostly lots of sleep, pj pants, nail polish, series, movies, starting to blog again and making my graduation dress. I've been sleeping so much and I promise you I'