
Showing posts from March, 2019

New beginnings

 Hi everyone I have some great news! In a little bit more than a week I'm moving to my new job. If you are new here, I'm a teacher and I graduated last year. The first term of the school year is already over, so I'm starting in the second term. I took this photo at my recent substituting job at a school close to home. I currently live with my parents in Somerset West and my new job is in Villiersdorp. It's a small town about a hour from my parents' house and about a hour from where my boyfriend studies. I'm moving into the hostile, where I will be doing some duties in exchange for my rent and food. That means no cooking, cleaning and lots of bonding with students inside and outside of school. These last few weeks I've been buying all the things I need, preparing what I want to pack and making lists. I am very exciting and I really can't wait to have my own classroom and move out of my parents' house.  Young adult moving from b

Know when you've done enough

Hi everyone Last week my two weeks of substituting at a school near my house ended. I learned a lot during this time and it also reminded me of the feeling we all know too well. The feeling you get when you have so much to do, but physically you are to tired to do so. If you're reading my blog for the first time or maybe you forgot, I'm a teacher. I graduated last year.  I substituted for a teacher who's main subject isn't my main subjects, but my Bcomm degree gave me the ability to do so. First of all, substituting sucks. The students don't know you, their discipline decreases and you don't necessarily have access to all the school communication. Teaching in a classroom like that is difficult and I had to make adjustments accordingly, but I absolutely loved it. I knew exactly what work I had to cover during these two weeks. Planning was mostly done for me, except for Maths where I had to do everything myself. I really enjoyed planning the Maths,