Know when you've done enough

Hi everyone

Last week my two weeks of substituting at a school near my house ended. I learned a lot during this time and it also reminded me of the feeling we all know too well. The feeling you get when you have so much to do, but physically you are to tired to do so.

If you're reading my blog for the first time or maybe you forgot, I'm a teacher. I graduated last year. 

I substituted for a teacher who's main subject isn't my main subjects, but my Bcomm degree gave me the ability to do so. First of all, substituting sucks. The students don't know you, their discipline decreases and you don't necessarily have access to all the school communication. Teaching in a classroom like that is difficult and I had to make adjustments accordingly, but I absolutely loved it. I knew exactly what work I had to cover during these two weeks. Planning was mostly done for me, except for Maths where I had to do everything myself. I really enjoyed planning the Maths, as it is one of my main subjects. 

Being a teacher, there will always be something to do and something to plan for. It is important to stop when you have done enough, you can't work all day long. You need to rest, eat, relax and spend time with you loved ones. 

Being a teacher with Congenital Hypothyroidism, makes this even more important. If I work too hard on one day, I'll be too tired the rest of the week. I won't be able to be the best teacher that I can be and that won't be fair to my students. 

I know I'm not a parent, but the same will count towards your own kids. We need to take care of yourselves so we can be there for our kids, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, siblings, etc. We need to do what we is really important first and then decide what to do next. If something needs to be done by next week, do you really need to do it now when you are exhausted? It's not selfish, it's important to stop some times. To take a step back and take care of yourself.

These dark circles, they don't go away but that's ok. This is me and I do the best I can and I feel great.

Have a wonderful day


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