
Showing posts from January, 2018

Changing medication & my first endocrinologist visit

Hi everyone About a week ago I went to an endocrinologist for the first time. Endocrinologists specialize in the endocrine system which controls hormones. I went for the first time now, because I only found out about these kind of doctors a few months ago and no doctor or person ever told me that I should. If you've read my previous blog posts you'll know that I'm really struggling with my super itchy skin. Not just that but I found out that there's a new formula for Eltroxin. I was on Eltroxin for most of my life and changed about 2 or 3 years ago when the medical aid decided they will only pay for Euthyrox, which is the generic version of Eltroxin. I Googled it a bit...from what I can understand,the main ingredient of Eltroxin and Euthyrox is levothyroxine. The only difference being the ingredients used to put the pill together. I have a history of being allergic for medication and as far as I can remember I've always had dry skin, but never as bad as wh

My acne tips and tricks

Hi everyone I am no expert, but I would like to share some tips and tricks I use or do to prevent or get rid of my acne. I'm not talking about products I use, I'm really no expert and you have seen my skincare routine. When I wash my face: I use clean hands and I have a separate towel that I use only for my face. I wash this towel regularly. I also exfoliate once a week at night and the next morning some of the acne is just in such a better condition. I wash my face twice a day every single day no matter how tired I am, this is super important! Other things I wash regularly: My beauty blender is deep cleaned every weekend with a bar of soap and leave to completely dry. Pillow cases and sheets. Remember your face touches this every single day. Makeup brushes Things I avoid during the day: Touching my face unnecessarily, with this I mean like when in thought, in class and while studying. I'm at university so the computers are used by lots of d

About 2018

Hi everyone Last year I graduated with my bachelor's degree in investment management, this year I'm going to do my PGCE (postgraduate certificate in education). This has been my dream for as long as I can remember. I've always wanted to be a teacher getting there is the only way that has changed. By not just studying education I have more options and knowledge. Teaching has always been my passion, in school and university I've been the person people come to for help. Whether it's explaining something, notes or what the lecture said. This year is that final step to being a teacher. It's one more year of studying and then I'm off to the big world of living on my own and earning money. Right now I'm in that sweet spot where I'm excited for this next step, but also have no idea what to expect. I have to do 2 weeks of observation at a local school that is very different from the school I was in, then hand in a report at registration at the univer