About 2018

Hi everyone

Last year I graduated with my bachelor's degree in investment management, this year I'm going to do my PGCE (postgraduate certificate in education). This has been my dream for as long as I can remember. I've always wanted to be a teacher getting there is the only way that has changed. By not just studying education I have more options and knowledge. Teaching has always been my passion, in school and university I've been the person people come to for help. Whether it's explaining something, notes or what the lecture said. This year is that final step to being a teacher. It's one more year of studying and then I'm off to the big world of living on my own and earning money.

Right now I'm in that sweet spot where I'm excited for this next step, but also have no idea what to expect. I have to do 2 weeks of observation at a local school that is very different from the school I was in, then hand in a report at registration at the university and then my classes start. From what I've heard this year won't be hard mentally, but it's going to be busy.  I've tested the water for teaching in 2016 by being an academic mentor for some first years and I loved it. I really can't wait. Juffrou Chaela (Teacher Chaela).

This year I want to blog more than last year, I started this blog last year but never made it a priority. I want to change that. I am on Instagram all day, that's the easiest way to reach me. If I don't have enough time to blog I will definitely post on Instagram. I want to share with you all what I'm going through with my condition, but not just that. My Instagram bio says: Inspire, share and motivate. That's exactly what I want to do. I don't want to just talk about my condition all the time. I do believe this is something you can live with, by adapting a bit and taking good care of yourself. I want to show this to you  by sharing how "normal" I am. I do wear makeup, I try new things,  I love to sew, bake and shop. I want to share tips and how I do certain things with you. By doing this I feel I can inspire, share and motivate.

I've met some very interesting people on Instagram. A mom asking me if their daughter will be ok growing up with Congenital Hypothyroidism. One lady asking me if I have the same symptoms as her, another asking me if I've tried a certain crème that's really works for her. I love talking to you guys, reaching out and seeing what you go through every day. I don't want to share all these scary and not understandable articles with you. We don't need to be scared or be negatively impacted. We need to talk about the things that we as a group can understand, support each other and spread some love and positivity.

One thing I really want to accomplish is going to a specialist, this is happening next week. I'm so happy I can do this and kind of scared and excited at the same time. I'm going to an endocrinologist. Some of you reading this might think why haven't I gone before. Here in South Africa most people just go for their blood draws and then to the GP. Or a physician if you had your thyroid removed. It's not talked about here. You are expected to go for blood draws, go to the doctor, drink your medication and just deal. This sounds terrible I know, but this is what I've experienced and from conversations that I've had with people here. By having this blog and living in South Africa I hope to change that too.

I hope all of you have an amazing year. Hope you achieve all you set your mind to. Take good care of yourself, it is very important.

Have a great day

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