Changing medication & my first endocrinologist visit

Hi everyone

About a week ago I went to an endocrinologist for the first time. Endocrinologists specialize in the endocrine system which controls hormones. I went for the first time now, because I only found out about these kind of doctors a few months ago and no doctor or person ever told me that I should. If you've read my previous blog posts you'll know that I'm really struggling with my super itchy skin.

Not just that but I found out that there's a new formula for Eltroxin. I was on Eltroxin for most of my life and changed about 2 or 3 years ago when the medical aid decided they will only pay for Euthyrox, which is the generic version of Eltroxin. I Googled it a bit...from what I can understand,the main ingredient of Eltroxin and Euthyrox is levothyroxine. The only difference being the ingredients used to put the pill together. I have a history of being allergic for medication and as far as I can remember I've always had dry skin, but never as bad as when I'm using Euthyrox.

I went to an endocrinologist close by, I was honestly quite nervous. I didn't know what to expect, I usually go to a female doctor because I feel more comfortable and I was so afraid that I'll go there's no way he can help me. Before seeing the doctor a nurse took my heart rate, tested my sugar, measure my height, how much I weigh. The doctor was really nice, but I was still nervous. I felt so tired although I didn't do anything other than go to the doctor that day. He asked me how he can help and then what my symptoms are...itchy skin, tiredness, headaches, some acne, brittle and soft nails, weight was decreasing (I lost about 3 kg in 2 weeks without doing anything different), hands were vibrating a bit, depressed at times (but not to the point where I feel I need help)...he basically had no solutions for me.

He just asked for some blood work: TSH, TSH antibodies (they usually test this if you have autoimmune disease, if I'm right), B12 and cortisol. I usually just test my TSH levels and the others haven't been tested before so that made me feel good. He phoned me a few days later and all my levels are good. He prescribed me Eltroxin instead of Euthyrox, the same amount, because my itchy skin can be because I might be allergic to an ingredient in Euthyrox. I don't have a rash of any kind to know for sure, I'll only be able to tell the difference in about 6 weeks. If not, I'll have to go to a dermatologist.

Thinking back, all the time during my holiday I was a bit down. Usually I sleep a lot after exams for a few days and then I'm back to normal. But this holiday I just didn't feel like doing much at all, I would chill on my bed most of the day without feeling depressed. I just didn't feel like doing much and didn't feel like I had the energy. Also, I've lost about 5 kg these last few months without doing anything different at all. I weigh 55kg and I'm 163cm tall.

It's been about a week now of being on Eltroxin, I already started working again (practical for this year at a school) and I feel great. I have energy, have no trouble getting up in the morning and I have no problems focussing. As for my skin, I can't feel a difference yet, I'll have to see in the weeks that follow.

Moral of the story: Ask your doctor about rather using the original version of your medication than the generic if you feel concerned. Endocrinologists can't really help you with your symptoms, it's very important to go to one before you get pregnant if you have thyroid problems.

Have a great day

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