
Showing posts from June, 2018

My IQ & CH

Hi everyone Today I did something I hate doing, this is personal. I Googled something I heard about CH. I am a young adult and growing up with a chronic illness there will be a day when you start to ask questions. So you think to yourself, let's Google stuff. I soon realised that the internet is a scary place, because you get lots of articles and websites writing about CH but it isn't written by people who have it. Groups on Facebook are scary for me too. What basically happens is that you read these lists of symptoms or claims and start looking for them in your own life. Lots of the times you either don't have it or you get so confused that you convince yourself you have that symptom too. It was shortly after making the conscious decision to not read up on CH that I started this blog. I want to write about my experience and share my story. Through this, people get real connections and honest answers. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have through

Does exfoliating work?

Hi everyone About a month I decided I wanted to try exfoliating. I exfoliate my face once a week and it helps to get rid of my dead skin and some acne. I've never exfoliated my body before. I was just thinking that I was applying lotion or creme my skin, but does it really completely wash off or does it just build up on my skin? I honestly don't know the answer to these questions. This is why I decided to try exfoliating so my skin can be completely free of any products before I apply any lotion, body butter or creme. I bought this exfoliating mat as Dischem for about R30 (about 2.24 USD), which is really inexpensive. I use it with my Dove soap. What is nice about this mat is that you don't have to buy any expensive or additional products to exfoliate. This is great, especially if you are on a budget or a student like me. The first time I exfoliated it felt really strange, it feels like I was scratching an itch and I was going all over a bit hard. I only f

Last time on campus for a while

Hi everyone I took these photos on Monday, it will be my last day on campus for a while. We just finished with our exams and I think it went well, still waiting for marks. I am currently busy with my postgrad in education, so this exam was the post relaxed of all my exams so far. I wrote exams and my other had 6 assignments to do, one of which was an IsiXhosa oral. I put myself into a routine waking up at 7:30 every day and 5:30 on the days I wrote. I also had minimum stress as I've worked hard, given my best and I only have year modules. It is the end of the semester now and I have a month long holiday till I start with my practical at a school for three months. We went for a school visit on Tuesday and the school is great! I felt welcome immediately. It is exciting and scary at the same time, I am in that period in my life where student life is ending very fast and I am approaching adult life. I have lots of adulting to do this holiday. Jobs to apply and forms to fi

Turning 23 & reflecting

Photo credit: @megan_arendse Hi everyone I turn 23 a week ago. We didn't do anything special, because we're in the middle of exams. I stuffed my face with pizza from the day before and on the day. We had pizza for lunch on my birthday and I had to study for my exam the day after. It was all good and relaxed. The exam went really well, but only the marks will be able to tell.  I definitely do not feel 23. With certain things I feel older and others I feel the same. I'm busy with my last year of studies, I graduated last year and I'm now doing my postgrad in education. It is the last year of student life, which means another season will be ending for me in a few months and then another will start. I'm in that period when you are excited but scared at the same time, which is completely normal. I have to apply for jobs and then my adult life begins. All of which are big steps to exciting and new things.  This year I've made the most amazing friends.