Coping with chronic tiredness

Hi everyone

I know I talked about not feeling normal yesterday, which sounds crazy but I know people with the same condition know exactly what I'm talking about. But you know what this is my "normal" and it doesn't define who I am and what I can accomplish in life. It influences me every day, but I'm not going to let it hold me back from what I want in life.

Coping with feeling tired all the time.

I feel tired all the time, but of course I know the different levels. It's like the tiredness is always somewhere in the background, but I'm coping in my own unique way.

Obviously, 8 hours of sleep or more would be amazing but it's not very realistic. Life get's in the way, so to speak, and there are things that must be done. I'm currently a student at Stellenbosch University studying Bcom Investment Management. I'm final year now and we don't have a lot of class, mostly 3 hours of class a day and not 3 hours directly after one another. But the work is still a lot and to achieve not only good grades but to pass is a 24/7 job.

My daily routine is as follows: I get up every weekday morning at 5:30, we leave home in Somerset West an hour later for Stellenbosch, so I'm on campus at about 7:00. Earliest class starts at 8:00 and every class is 50 minutes long. I only leave campus at about 17:15 every day, only time I can go home. In between classes and after class I study, have lunch, coffee with friends and go around in town. When I'm writing tests at night I only go home after for the first time in that day. We get home about 18:00 in the evening, then we still have to make supper. After supper and bath, it's time to hit the books again. The latest time I can study to is about 22:30, can't even see after that time because I'm too tired and will be in even worse shape the next day. When times get tough, I've studied till after midnight. This sounds like a normal student life, but if you have the same condition you must be thinking how does she do that. I just do, because I have to and I know what I want to accomplish in life.

I don't use any supplements or medication other than my Euthyrox and KeenMind. I've read articles where they tell you that hypothyroidism can cause problems with concentration, not sure I've that is true. In my case I don't have ADHD or ADD, but KeenMind has honestly helped me study, focus and absorb information. Taking KeenMind really helps me, I'm not addicted to it at all and I only take it when we have class and in exam time. It makes my brain feel like a sponge, my brain wants to absorb information. It keeps me sharp and I focus, I just feel on another level.

Taking supplements isn't always the right answer, I do believe that you should listen to your own body and do what it right for you. These last 4 years have shown me that you really can push your limits and find new ones. I'm don't fall into the stereotype of a typical student who goes out every Wednesday for klein Saterdag and parties over weekends. Not only does is it not in my personality, but I'd rather sleep to be honest.

I deal with all the work and stress as follows. I prefer to study 7 days a week and plan ahead. I'd rather study less every single day then have to push myself for 5 days a week and then "recover" every weekend. Over weekends I try to sleep at least one morning without setting an alarm. This helps me feel well rested and ready for action. Planning ahead helps me get through all my work, get enough sleep and minimize stress.

For example, last week I pushed myself really hard to finish my part of 3 group projects. I told myself I'll attend class and the rest of the time only work on the projects. No summaries or any other work. On Monday I was like, this is so much work I won't get it done. Wednesday definitely won't. Then on Thursday I was finished. 3 Projects in 4 days, not bad. I was pushing myself because for all 3 projects I could only work on it on campus since I needed certain university resources. After that I was tired, yes, but I accomplished more than I thought I could and that kind of tired feels so good and you sleep so well. All 3 these projects are due in one week.

After exams and in the holidays more than 9 hours of sleep is the norm and sometimes I still take a nap too.

The point I'm trying to make it that if you set goals for yourself, plan and make adjustments in your life you can achieve what you set your mind to. I know how hard it can be at times, but if you give it your very best you can't do anything more. If you don't have the energy to do something today, there is always tomorrow.

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