Looks like I'm overactive

Hi everyone

I know I haven't blogged in a while, it's been a hectic time. Last week was one of those long and never ending weeks. I had 2 class tests and a semester test in 1 week. It doesn't sound so bad, but the semester test was on the Saturday so I had to plan ahead. Starting studying for Saturday on Monday and then also in between had to study for those class tests and try to finalise 4 projects of which 3 are group projects. Saturday straight after my test in the morning I went to the computer rooms on campus to work on the one project for which I needed special computer software. I was on campus till 17:30 and Sunday I had to finalise another group project so I had no rest before this week started. I'm somewhere in between zombie and autopilot at this moment.

Yesterday I went to the doctor to get my test results of my blood draw. Turns out I'm "overactive" which is weird since I don't have a thyroid gland. Doctor said it's not too bad to be concerned about since it's my body's way of coping with the stress of these last few weeks. Honestly I don't even feel any hyperthyroidism symptoms, I Googled them, I lost 2 kilograms but I don't think it has anything to do with my thyroid and my heart rate is a bit up. But honestly I'm so tired I don't even know what's what.

I have been "overactive" before and then I wasn't under any kind of stress. I remember I couldn't fall asleep at night which is very abnormal for me and I slept about 5 hours at night and wasn't tired at all. I was also vibrating, like my hands were vibrating all the time and felt like my heart did too. My medication was reduced and I felt so much better.

It is really important to go for regular blood tests to make sure that everything is at it should be.  For the T3 and T4 levels there are a bracket in which it must fall, but over the years we came to the conclusion that I should be able to tell. If I'm having symptoms like for instance extreme tiredness for no particular reason then I know that my medication should be increased. You need to get to know your own body, only you know what your "normal" feels like. My amount of medication has changed over the years in primary school, high school and university. I think it changes as your life changes. I've been on a very little amount as a baby, but the most I've taken was 150mg and I'm now taking 100mg of Euthyrox every morning before breakfast.

We all want to feel like the best version of ourselves, so make sure you go for your blood draws regularly.

Have a great week everyone it's almost long weekend :D
Hope everyone gets lots of sleep

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