Exams are around the corner

Hi everyone

As I mentioned in my last post, last week was very hectic, but on Thursday I slept for 12 hours straight :D It was so great, felt so much more like a human afterwards.

It was a well deserved long weekend. I had class on Friday morning, but it was only till 10:00 so it wasn't too bad. Looking back at this past weekend I've managed to watch several movies, have girl's night, be out all day long, get enough sleep and catch up on all my work.

The last post was about me being "overactive", that is over now. I still felt I bit funny yesterday morning. I was vibrating a bit yesterday morning, like my hands. Otherwise I've been my usual self. After this weekend I'm feeling back to normal, but I promised by doctor I'll go back to her if I get symptoms I shouldn't be having.

Exam starts in 2 weeks, writing my first exam paper on the 16th of May. This will be the first exam in 3 years that I'm writing 5 papers in total, first year was about 7 in the first semester. I won't pretend I'm not a bit scared. 5 doesn't sound much but 2 of them is a huge load of work, trying of ways to make this easier for myself but it's hard since every module is so unique.

Here is some exam tips, may be useful to everybody but this is what works for me with my condition.

Exam tips:

  • Put yourself into a daily routine, 7 days a week. I usually wake up at 07:00, start studying at 08:00 and go to bed at 22:00 or 23:00. This assures that I get enough sleep. I take a hour lunch.
  • Plan ahead what you are going to study every day. This is very hard since some chapters take longer to study than others, try your best and if there is time left in the day see if you can't start with tomorrow's load.
  • If you can't see what you are doing anymore, go to bed or take a nap.
  • If you are losing concentration, take a short break.
  • Always plan to take longer breaks as well, can be anything from taking the day off, watching a movie or grocery shopping with mom.
  • Don't drink too much coffee, my max is 3 cups. Drinking too much makes you go to the bathroom a lot and can get annoying when you study. Always have a water bottle close by.
  • Drink Keen Mind (please ask your doctor or pharmacist about this)
  • Don't listen to music while you study and don't watch series in your breaks otherwise you won't want to stop.
These are the things I always do when I'm busy with exams.

Good luck with your week :)

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