Update & some chit chat

Hi everyone

It's been about 2 weeks since my last blog post. It's been hard guys. It was the first 2 weeks of my postgrad. I graduated in December with a Bcomm degree in Investment Management and I'm now doing my Postgraduate Certificate in Education. I'll be a high school Math Lit and Accounting teacher soon 😀

It wasn't the work that was hard, it was a few things put together. From the last blog post you'll know that I've been struggling to eat, I didn't feel like eating while I was actually hungry. Sounds strange, but it's a thing. I wasn't even depressed or anything. My will to eat came back, I just started eating better and then I got a tummy bug that was going around on campus. So I've been sick since the first day of my postgrad. The next Monday I was still not better, so I went to the doctor. I just walked in and got an appointment for right away, what's the chance of that ever happening. I was so happy to see my doctor, I felt like crying. I just wasn't getting better. She prescribed me some antibiotics and I'm back to normal.

Our timetable is crazy, I've never had this much class in my life. The days are very long and some modules I don't even get why we have to do that. I am so tired when I get home in the evenings I go to sleep at 21:00. Other than that the academics are going well, not feeling great made everything so much worse.

I've also had this pain, felt like my ovaries were in quite some pain and a bit swollen. I asked my doctor about it. It hurt for a few days. I've lost quite some weight during the holidays, to the point where I'm like I need to pick up weight. I haven't been eating well at all, I'm either not feeling like it or I've been sick. I weigh 53.9kg and I'm 163cm tall, which gives me a BMI of 20.3. The pain I was feeling was my ovulation taking place. It was the first time I've ever felt it and the doctor said it's normal especially for skinny girls. I need to pick up some weight, I mean that's scary and I don't want pain twice a month if I can only have it once with my period.

Since I did my observation at a school for my postgrad I've been drinking so much water throughout the day. I've never been like this, because I have to go to the bathroom so often then and I still do. I'm not complaining, even if I don't drink like 2 liters a day it will be close. I don't know if it's because of drinking so much water or the new medication, but I didn't even have a breakout before, during or after my period. Just note that this is my first period since being on Eltroxin again. The photo at the top is the inside of my water bottle, thought it looked cool.

My GP that I usually go to said that the difference from changing to Eltroxin might only been seen after about 3 months. I've not really noticed much change with the itchiness of my legs. I have been feeling great though, I'm ready to do my work and I'm not exhausted at all. I don't have much acne at all, might be less that when I was on Euthyrox but it might also be because of the water I'm drinking.

Remember to follow me on Instagram and Facebook. I'm going to try and be more active on Instagram so you guys can see what I'm up to, what I eat and so on. I love hearing from you guys, giving and receiving advice and also to show you how "normal" I really am. You can live a happy and fulfilled live.

Have a great week


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