Personality type & Knowing yourself

Hi everyone

This is me, no makeup, second day hair and top knot on top of my head. Sometimes we see all these photos of on social media where people look so perfect. It's always important to remember that that's not all of them. I too love to wear makeup, but when I'm just home, tired or just not feeling like making a fuss this is how I look. I mean look at those dark circles and all my freckles. The necklace I never take off and my favourite spot at home is right there on my bed with my pink walls.

Today I thought it would be nice to share a bit more about me and my personality. According to the Myers Briggs personality test I am the personality type ESFJ. Find out your personality  According to this website I can be described as:  Strong practical skills, strong sense of duty, very loyal, sensitive and warm, and good at connecting with others. This is very accurate. I am well organised, I like to plan and manage my academics and life. There needs to be a plan. I am loyal to the people in my life, I can keep secrets and people usually come to me for emotional support. I am definitely sensitive and warm, I listen to what others say and won't give advice before thinking about it properly. Connecting to people is just part of who I am, I have no problem striking up conversations with random people at the most random times. That's how I've made the best friends. In our class now, most people know me and I know a lot of people too. 

My weaknesses include being inflexible, but I just know what I want, what I believe and I know myself. So I won't put myself in uncomfortable situations, it doesn't mean I'm not open for new things and adjustments. Vulnerable to criticism, yes I am it hurts and can bother me for days and I keep thinking about it. Often too needy and too selfless. I am needy in a way, but I don't often show it. I am selfless to the point where I care more about others than they care about me.

I think knowing yourself is part of growing up and will help you to understand yourself and also know what things you can work on. Seeing my personality put into words helped me to understand myself so much better. It is also important to note that what they say about your personality type might not always be the way you are. Being honest with yourself and having alone time will help you become the best version of yourself.

Comment your personality type in the comments below or send me a message through Instagram or Facebook. While you are at it please follow me, thanks for all the support.

I hope you have a wonderful day


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